Don Kreski Marketing 847-749-2424
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Kreski Marketing Consultants

Sales literature


Bodhi Software

Bodhi asked us to create brochures and spec sheets for their building management software, together with a website and PR program. The collateral includes:

Building Management Simplified
Bodhi Components
Bodhi Bridge
Bodhi Thermostat
Bodhi at Albany, Bahamas
Bodhi at the Art Ovation
Bodhi at the Daytona Hotel
Bodhi at the Nexus Clubs


A product brochure for the Mitsubishi Display Wall division, which offers high-end video wall cubes, controllers and software to clients in corporations, government and utilities. We wrote the copy and created a new graphic design standard for the company.

High Performance Display Wall Controllers

Visionary Solutions, Inc.

VSI asked us to create a printed brochure that would explain the advantages of IP-based video and describe their line of analog to digital encoders. We wrote and designed the piece in 2009, illustrating it with our own photography and stock images, and have updated it this year.

We also redesigned VSI's product literature.

Video at the Edge brochure
Spec sheet: AVN441 Encoder Blade

Spec sheet: AVN443 Encoder Blade
Spec sheet: AMX partnership
Spec sheet: IPTV 2.0 - InfoValue partnership Spec sheet: VSiCaster - Wowza partnership


When Starin Marketing purchased the Gentner product line in 2004, it was time for an overhaul of their product brochure. We created a new look for Gentner, did new photography for the cover and product packages, and wrote new copy
. More recently, we updated the piece, adding new digital products.

Gentner Product Guide
Gentner Assistive Listening Systems

Jelco Case

When Jelco brought out a line of furniture for flat-panel displays
, they saw a need to upgrade their literature design. We wrote the new spec sheets and created an all-new look aimed at architects and consultants, who for the first time would be asked to recommend Jelco product. Our work included a redesign of the Jelco logo.

Jelco EZ-Lift Mobile
Jelco Roto-Lift

Jelco EZ-Lift Dual


Sales literature and flyers from Kreski Marketing

av,a-vAV TechSourceav,a-v

After we finished the AV TechSource website, management asked us to create a series of handouts for potential customers, as well as a presentation folder to hold them. The handouts include:.

Control System Programming
System Installation
On-Site Service
Video Conferencing Support
Presentation folder

Wireless Computing

Wireless Computing also asked us to redesign their literature, to reflect the new look we created for their website.

RF-240 wireless keyboard

RF-222 wireless keyboard
RF-170 wireless mouse
RF-100 wireless remote control

Dealer brochures

We have also created a number of brochures and catalogs for dealers. Click for examples.

Sound Vision systems brochure
Media Resources systems brochure

CAVCOMM staging & logistics brochure
Novatoo rental price list




Sales literature by Kreski Marketing Consultants
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advertising - photography - email & newsletters - sales literature - brochures - logos

Planning and creative services for the AV industry