Don Kreski Marketing 847-749-2424
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Kreski Marketing Consultants

Corporate logos and identity systems

Read Don's article on logo development in Sound & Video Contractor: Extreme Corporate Makeover

United Visual, Inc.

Don created this extensive identity system when he was Director of Marketing at United Visual. It was a big help in changing the market’s perception of the company from a sleepy old-line AV dealership to a dynamic technology firm.

United Visual corporate identity system

Wireless Computing
Kreski Marketing
This long-range keyboard and mouse manufacturer must compete with much larger companies, including Microsoft. To help them do so, we updated their logo and created new designs for their business cards, letterhead, literature, press releases and trade show displays.
Kreski Marketing
Wireless Computing identity system

Snader and Associates
Kreski Marketing
After 15 years of offering the 'Snader Expo' to AV and broadcast customers, they decided to recast this very successful show and offer it to an expanded audience.
Kreski Marketing
They asked us to help by creating a new show logo.
Kreski Marketing
Emerging Technology Expo & Communications Summit logo

Custom Audio Visual Solutions
Logos by Kreski Marketing
We created a logo, letterhead, business cards, shirt design and envelope for CAVS, a startup AV system integrator in the Chicago suburbs.
Logos by Kreski Marketing
CAVS corporate identity system

Media Resources, Inc.

MRI is a systems integrator based in west-suburban Chicago. We created a new logo, business cards and letterhead with the goal of improving their credibility with potential customers.

MRI corporate identity system


Logos designed by Kreski Marketing Consultants
Plus One Audio Video

We created a logo and identity system for this AV dealer and sound contractor.

Plus One corporate identity system

Diamond Mind Enterprises
Logos by Kreski Marketing
Diamond MInd offers personal coaching for sales people and others with ambitious goals. Our goal here was to create a professional, credible image at least equal to leaders in this growing industry. We created the logo and identity system.
logos by Kreski Marketing
DME corporate identity system

Novatoo Audio Visual

This rental and staging company had a logo but needed cards, letterhead, envelopes and an equipment sticker.

Novatoo corporate identity system

CCS Presentation Systems
Kreski Marketing
Starting with an existing logo, we created cards and letterhead for the Chicago office of this AV dealer and integrator.
Kreski Marketing
CCS identity system



Logos and identity systems by Kreski Marketing and Don Kreski
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Planning and creative services for the AV industry