Don Kreski Marketing 847-749-2424
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Kreski Marketing Consultants



Read Don's article, Advertising for AV Pros, from Pro AV Magazine

Sharp Electronics

Presentations - Fashion - Retail. This animated banner ran in the NSCA Live newsletters to promote the new Sharp 37" LCD monitor. Click to see the ad in context (scroll down to find it).

Handle any application. Brilliantly. Sharp sent t
his single-page e-mail to subscriber lists from 4 trade journals.

Wireless Computing

A new look and an eyecatching campaign for a wireless keyboard-manufacturer. It ran in Presentations Magazine, the Infocomm Show Daily and will soon be in e-mail form.

High Security

Sound Vision

We created this half-page ad for Chicago Architect Magazine.

Extraordinary AV Systems

Midwest Visual Equipment

Click for samples of advertising Don created as Marketing Communications Manager at Midwest.

Designed for Communication
Powerful Meeting Rooms - Kemper
Powerful Meeting Rooms - U of I
When Quality is Critical
Pack Light
Rent It!

United Visual, Inc.

Click advertising Don created as Director of Marketing at United.

Pure Impact (Lightware projector)
A whole new game (Epson projector)


Advertising by Don Kreski and Kreski Marketing Consultants
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advertising - photography - email & newsletters - sales literature - brochures - logos

Planning and creative services for the AV industry