Don Kreski Marketing 847-749-2424
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Kreski Marketing Consultants

Photography at Marengo High School


Photography at Marengo High School for Sound Vision, Inc. of Elgin. Click each image for a larger view.


Marengo case history created by Kreski Marketing Consultants

 Marengo auditorium by Don Kreski
Marengo High School Auditorium, photographed from the rear by Don Kreski.
 Marengo auditorium by Don Kreski
Marengo Auditorium featuring view of sound board in custom roll-top desk.
 Marengo auditorium by Kreski Marketing Consultants
Marengon Auditorium shot from the projection booth above the rear of the room.
 Photography by Kreski Marketing Consultants
Marengo Auditorium from the stage.
 Photography by Kreski Marketing Consultants
Equipment rack in an rack room outside the Auditorium.
 Photography by Kreski Marketing Consultants
Marengo Commons Room used as a cafeteria and assembly area.
 Photography by Kreski Marketing Consultants
Marengo Field House. Sound and video systems throughout the installation by Sound Vision, Inc. of Elgin, Illinois.
Photography by Don Kreski, Kreski Marketing
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Planning and creative services for the AV industry