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Photography at UW Milwaukee Curtin Hall


This new lecture hall at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee has an extremely versatile AV system. It includes simultaneous language interpretation, multi-format projection and surround sound.

Winner, Best Presentation Rooms competition 2005. Photography
by Don Kreski for Lewis Sound & Video.

Click each photo for an enlarged view.

Curtin Hall from the back showing wide-screen HDTV projection. On the left are two simultaneous interpretation booths.
Curtin Hall from the front with podium in the foreground, SI booths at the right and in the rear.
Simultaneous interpretation booth with microphone, LCD monitor and wireless receiver. Lecture hall is in the background with screen set up for side-by-side computer projection.
Simultaneous interpretation booth with microphone, LCD monitor and wireless receiver.
Crestron touch panel. Screen shows AV system controls and program preview.

(All photos shot with a digital Nikon SLR.)

Photography for the AV industry by Don Kreski, Kreski Marketing
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