Don Kreski Marketing 847-749-2424
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Gentner ALS photography


Photography of Gentner ALS products and ALS products in use by Don Kreski for Starin Marketing. Click on any image to view enlarged photo.


  Gentner ALS glamour shot. Used on the cover of the new Gentner Product Guide (shown at right).
 Gentner Digital 1 Package. Used in the new Gentner Product Guide and Gentner mailer (shown lower right)..
  Gentner Digital 6 Package. Also for the new Gentner Product Guide.

Gentner headset product shot. Also for the Gentner Product Guide.

  House of worship dilemma: no matter how good the sound system, some people still can't hear clearly. "After" shot photographed at the South Church in Mt. Prospect, IL using amateur models.

Hearing clearly with Gentner ALS: "before" shot also photographed at the South Church.

(All images shot with a digital Nikon SLR.)


Photography by Don Kreski, Kreski Marketing
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